时间:2021-7-8 11:0:17a state owned and managed public sector Corporation, is the largest ship owner in Bangladesh was established on 5th February 1972 under President’s Order No. 10 of 1972 with the objectives of providing efficient, safe, reliable and economic shipping services to the local exporters, importers and business houses, to develop sustainable shipping and ancillary infrastructures in a sovereign nation which just became independent on 16th December 1971 after a nine month long liberation war and thereby reducing dependence on foreign flag vessels to stop drainage of hard earned foreign exchange from the national exchequer.经商务部批准、工商局注册的专业国际物流企业。具有中国航协(CATA)颁发的国际(一类货运)销售代理业务《资格认可证书》和国际航协颁发的《IATA资格证书》,具有无船承运业务资质,我们依托所拥有的高素质的员工队伍、以空运、海运、陆运、多式联运等不同运输方式,旨在为客户提供专业、全面的货物进、出口业务的运输代理服务。从而保证客户的货物迅速、安全地运抵中国和送达世界各地。
进出口货物的种类和性质不同,运费和手续费的标准也不同,导致进出口集装箱的不平衡。 应急舱载附加费可以预付 首先托运、然后订舱、再做箱、随后报关装载、卸载、通知提货、清关、换单、最后提货,完成海运操作流程。
目的港、出运时间 、货物品名委托装箱